Category Archives: Communiques



This Friday, March 11th 2016 at 12noon fascist presidential candidate Donald Trump will be holding a rally for his StL-area supporters in downtown Saint Louis at the Peabody Opera House. This is a call-to-action for anti-fascists and anti-authoritarians to converge and meet-up with an anti-Trump/anti-racist protest at the Peabody Opera House, 1400 Market Street, St. Louis, MO 63103 at noon to help deliver a great big “Fuck You!” to Trump’s fascist supporters.

The ultra-rightwing’s recent boost in confidence and their escalation of violent attacks on people of color, Muslims, people of Middle Eastern descent, immigrants and refugees cannot be ignored. Instead of hiding behind our keyboards and glowing screens making fun of Trump and his supporters, it’s time to meet them in the street and make very clear that their fascist-asses are not welcome here, and will no longer be ignored and allowed to organize and operate openly in and around Saint Louis.

To learn more, visit this facebook event page set up by a local student group, or just get some friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc together and show up to help us shut Trump’s shit down!

Remembering means fighting: #BlackD15 comes to #StL

Solidarity Means Attack!

All day, evening and late into the night of December 22nd, a few longtime friends/accomplices in Saint Louis, MO tagged militant anti-police & anti-prison slogans, defaced multiple billboards, and stencilled black roses all over the metro area. This was done in solidarity with Greek comradescall for an international Black December.

The black rose is an old and storied symbol, one used sporadically by anti-authoritarians around the world and throughout history. Our black roses have been left at sites of state violence, to memorialize every daily harassment & indignity, every drop of blood spilled & every bone broken; every life ruined, locked up, and enslaved, and every brilliant star snuffed out the state and its agents. Our roses serve as a reminder of the countless atrocities committed by the agents of oppression & exploitation and as a threat to the police, with their badges & their guns; to the cowardly snitches who fear connecting with other human beings so much that they gleefully collaborate in state violence against their own neighbors; and to the kkkop in your own head, who we all must struggle with on a daily basis.

There are now over 240 black roses scattered across every neighborhood in Saint Louis, and more to come. We prefer to write on the walls of our city, rather than quibble in digital spaces, out of recognition of the profound danger of retreating into the aether of the internet. We prefer to direct our energy towards attack in full view of the public, calling out the enemies of freedom by name, to dispel the myth of their invincibility and show that even a small posse of friends and trusted comrades can shatter the banality of domestication. We do not seek to convert others to our cause, but rather, to throw up a signal to all those inclined to care, who would resist, who would wage war on misery, to signify that we are not alone and to remind one another that we can choose to take action in our own lives and, together, strike out against the spectacle, the police, their prisons, and all the forces of immiseration.

Kick-in the fences, burn the barricades, get free and bask in the warmth of the fires of resistance to come. Let us spread like the wildfires that once not so long ago and one day again and soon will rejuvenate the prairies and the forests and the land. Never forget, remembering means fighting.

For the wyld!

Your friend & accomplice, the wyldfire

On bringing #BlackDecember to StL

We want to relive the days when “death shall have no dominion, and dead men naked they shall be one with the man in the wind and the west moon, and they shall break in the sun till the sun breaks down”
(paraphrased verses from a poem by Dylan Thomas).


Last month Greek anarchists called for an international month of autonomous, insurgent, and militant direct action in remembrance of our dead and imprisoned comrades, naming this call-to-action Black December. In the memory of all we lost which spurred the furious streetfighting of the past year, and in celebration of all we’ve each found with one another in these shared moments of insurrection, so beautiful and terrible all at once, we mean that this call-to-action not go un-answered in the greater StL-area.

Let’s shatter the banality of life in the river city, where we watch – as though we were helpless – as politicians and the gentrifying purveyors of progress, servants one and all to capital, build redundant sports arenas or an expensive aquarium to imprison animals for human amusement, rather than safe places for everyone in the city to sleep at night; a city that quietly bulldozes tent cities and casually plants anti-homeless spikes under overpasses, whose politicians pat themselves on the shoulder while professional activists line up to stroke the egos of city managers who claim to be “solving” the city’s homeless “problem”; where the biggest news of the year isn’t all the tears and hugs shared, the friendships & affinities forged and mental bondage broken by the explosion sparked by police’ coldblooded murder of Black youth, but rather, the fanfare surrounding the opening of a local Ikea.

There is no right or wrong way to do #BlackDecember, no instruction manual or actvist-y formula. We trust that the indominatable hearts of those inclined to act on this will guide them in the manner best suited to each individual. If you’re looking for inspiration, there’s plenty of recent, local examples of creative solutions to the immiseration of daily life in StL. Just think about it…

Snap 2015-12-13 at 11.00.39

WyldFire! communique #1


If I were free…

If domination, hierarchy, privilege, patriarchy, racism, ecocide & genocide, class & caste, nationalism, ethnocentrism, representation were abolished… if manipulation or outright theft of personal agency, norms & mythic standards of identity, all forms of police and all the other burdens humanity has endured for millennia were to be thrown off… if we build positive notions of freedom, focused on the freedom-to, rather than languish under notions of -unfreedom, the contradictory freedom-from – contradictory because if you feel a need to have a freedom-from, you’re not truly free at all… if all oppressions could be cast aside and a multitude of better worlds and communities could pop up like so many weeds breaking through the cracks of the coerced, the forced, and the un-natural…


The risks and uncertainty of freedom are real, but are they more threatening than the certainty of countless & painfully familiar sufferings and daily humiliations under domination? The persons who contributed to building the hegemononic society of control had no crystal ball, no certain or objective knowledge of how their systems of domination would turn out. Likewise, none of us who stand and resist possess any roadmap certain to lead to the downfall of hegemony.

At the very least, we are united in our common recognition of the overbearing wrong-ness of the state of the world, today; it’s ever-present violence at every level of our lived experience. At the very least, we become accomplices in our common understanding that we cannot sit by and do nothing. In a cause & effect world, we must take action against the conditions of domination, of the domestication of all life for the purpose of consumption, consumption which feeds the systems of domination.

Recognizing that we share similar persistent dreams, our imaginations insisting even in the face of all the pain and suffering inflicted up this world that we CAN be free, we take aim not only at the institutions and the individuals who serve and pursue domination over other persons and communities, we take aim as well at the internal domination of repressed hearts, minds, spirits and imaginations which stifle our agency, circumscribe our lives and fill up every hole left by the alienation of un-freedom with the banality of what passes for life, today; a domesticated, increasingly dominated life.

Because we must…

Understanding that we must free ourselves, together; that we must free ourselves if we are to lend a hand in freeing one another, and we must lend a hand to one another in order to get free, we acknowledge that we must do both together, at once, as part of the same process.

Because we must take affective action inside ourselves, in our relationships and the world around us if we want to have an effect on the horizons & potentials of our lives, we seek the de-colonization and re-wilding of everyday life.


First communique of the WyldFire! Collective, an informal accompliceship of autonomous, random dreamers, lovers & fighters.